Ceph Replacing OSD

Steps WAIT UNTIL PG =0 < Around 1hour?> systemctl stop (ceph-cluster)@<OSD ID RELATED> example: systemctl stop ceph-9124ada3513@osd.1 Don’t forget to cleanup the disk from ceph Adding the Disk NOTE: If you encounter the following: Osd(…) exists, already created? You need to redo step 1-9, and then restart the docker of the ceph-host related NOTE: You […]

Ceph Integration with ISCSI

Prepare the image VMWARE_DISK1 apt install ceph-iscsi [root@ceph1 ~]# ceph osd pool create myrbd[root@ceph1 ~]# ceph osd pool application enable myrbd rbd [root@ceph1 ~]# rbd –pool myrbd create VMWARE_DISK1 –size=100G Deploy the iSCSI gateways [root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch apply iscsi myrbd admin admin01 –placement ceph2,ceph3 –trusted_ip_list, [root@ceph1 ~]# ceph orch lsNAME                       RUNNING  REFRESHED  AGE  PLACEMENT        alertmanager                   […]

Install Cluster Kubernates using Kubeadm Ubuntu 22.04

Requirement : Initialize node reference : https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/container-runtimes/#containerd Make sure date time are correct and synced We use timesyncd, check the status Edit your NTP Server Restart the service Check your time and timezone, set your timezone if neccessary $timedatectl $timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Jakarta Remove Swap Sometime etcd having problem running in Ubuntu 22.04, edit the grub […]

Automation Cumulus with Playbook-Ansible

Preparation Memberikan akses “root/sudo” pada user user tanpa password pada semua perangkat, baik di dalam server maupun switch yang terhubung dalam ansible. Dalam kasus ini menggunakan user ubuntu dan dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan. update dan upgrade system install python3-dev dan virtual environment install git dan copy repository file git ‘nvue’ yang dibutuhkan dari gitlab cumulus […]

How to Check Uptime & Upgrade Firmware on infiniband unmanage switch

You can check the unmanaged status with some MFT commands on the hosts in the fabric. Assume there is an unmanaged switch with LID 1, then you can check the uptime information with the following command: And you can also check the current firmware information with this following command: Almost all devices consist of hardware, […]

Grafana and Alerting ( Ubuntu )

Installation Components Required sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-httpssudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common wgetsudo wget -q -O /usr/share/keyrings/grafana.key https://apt.grafana.com/gpg.key Adding Repositories echo “deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/grafana.key] https://apt.grafana.com stable main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list Updating Packages sudo apt-get update Installing Grafana sudo apt-get install grafana Starting and enabling Grafana on startup sudo systemctl enable grafana-server sudo systemctl start […]