Exposing AMD GPU to Kubernates

Current Test System Kubernates, Single Node Rancher System You can refer to this link for kubernates singlenode installation https://blog.alphabravo.io/posts/2021/single-node-rke2-pt1/ Reference http://www.bytefold.com/sharing-gpu-in-kubernetes/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/manage-gpus/scheduling-gpus/ Install kubernates plug-in for ROCM Install the plug in using daemonset Deploy the daemonset (it is a plug in installed on all amd gpu node) its Done,, just like that! Verify the daemonset, […]

Install Cluster Kubernates using Kubeadm Ubuntu 22.04

Requirement : Initialize node reference : https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/container-runtimes/#containerd Make sure date time are correct and synced We use timesyncd, check the status Edit your NTP Server Restart the service Check your time and timezone, set your timezone if neccessary $timedatectl $timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Jakarta Remove Swap Sometime etcd having problem running in Ubuntu 22.04, edit the grub […]