Error installing Netris agent on Cumulus

Installing netris agent in Mellanox Switch with new cumulus it might there are some trouble while in progress. first you need to check date on the switch, is it real-time date? If it isn’t, you can change the timezone with command timedatectl set-timezone. In this case my timezone GMT+7 which is Asia/Jakarta time. next, you […]

Exposing AMD GPU to Kubernates

Current Test System Kubernates, Single Node Rancher System You can refer to this link for kubernates singlenode installation Reference Install kubernates plug-in for ROCM Install the plug in using daemonset Deploy the daemonset (it is a plug in installed on all amd gpu node) its Done,, just like that! Verify the daemonset, […]

Integrate Authenticate 6wind using Radius.

Server Radius run the apt update and upgrade command below to update and refresh the package index on your system.  Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on server. First, install Apach and once the installation is finished, you’ll need to adjust your firewall settings to allow HTTP traffic. Since this is a fresh Apache installation and […]

Install Cluster Kubernates using Kubeadm Ubuntu 22.04

Requirement : Initialize node reference : Make sure date time are correct and synced We use timesyncd, check the status Edit your NTP Server Restart the service Check your time and timezone, set your timezone if neccessary $timedatectl $timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Jakarta Remove Swap Sometime etcd having problem running in Ubuntu 22.04, edit the grub […]

Create Openstack Lab. Part 2 – Ceph Deployment

Login to maas node as user ‘openstack’ Install and update python package manager Add additional PATH to local python binary Add following line at the end of ~/.bashrc file Apply new additional PATH Install python virtual environment support Create virtual environment for ceph-ansible Activate ceph-ansible virtual environment Update and install required package Make project directory […]

Create Openstack Lab. Part 1 – Nodes Preparation

We’ll deploy an Openstack lab. consists of total 6 nodes (3 controllers + 3 computes) Specifications for controller and compute nodes: Install MaaS – Check here for how-to guide Commission and deploy Ubuntu 20.04 on all machines Create user ‘openstack’ Add user ‘openstack’ to ‘sudo’ group Configure user ‘openstack’ to be able to run ‘sudo’ […]

Installing microk8s Ubuntu 20.04 22.04

Install: Check the status while Kubernetes starts Auto sudo: kubectl command for microk8s: Install CoreDNS and Other Common Service in Kubernetes Additional service for dashboard and ingress Access the Kubernetes dashboard Kubernetes is a collection of system services that talk to each other all the time. If you don’t need them running in the background […]