Error installing Netris agent on Cumulus

Installing netris agent in Mellanox Switch with new cumulus it might there are some trouble while in progress. first you need to check date on the switch, is it real-time date? If it isn’t, you can change the timezone with command timedatectl set-timezone. In this case my timezone GMT+7 which is Asia/Jakarta time. next, you […]

Checking Manageable Switch Infiniband on Subnet Manager

You can checking Infiniband Subnet Manager (SM) via web by login in with ip address of SM. First, check on status Summary of SM. It will display the Uptime of SM, State of SM, counter failures, SM Priority(HA), Autostart status, and SM version. Then check on Base SM tab, it will display detected SM node […]

Check topology Layer 2 change real time in Cumulus (STP issue related)

In Layer 2 network topology, when there is changes within the topology or new device connected with Layer 2 feature, the spanning tree feature will calculated again which device is gonna be root switch, which port is gonna be designated port, alternate port, etc. In Cumulus, we can check which port is triggered by that […]

Best Practice: Restart Service switchd on Cumulus MLAG-Pair Switch

Sometimes we/user want to restart service switchd on the one of MLAG-Pair switch Cumulus, or maybe testing to cut off the peerlink between that MLAG-Pair switch (like UAT or similar activity). But if we don’t know who is the primary switch on that MLAG-Pair, we could get into trouble like the Host will disconnected from […]

Automation Cumulus with Playbook-Ansible

Preparation Memberikan akses “root/sudo” pada user user tanpa password pada semua perangkat, baik di dalam server maupun switch yang terhubung dalam ansible. Dalam kasus ini menggunakan user ubuntu dan dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan. update dan upgrade system install python3-dev dan virtual environment install git dan copy repository file git ‘nvue’ yang dibutuhkan dari gitlab cumulus […]

How to Check Uptime & Upgrade Firmware on infiniband unmanage switch

You can check the unmanaged status with some MFT commands on the hosts in the fabric. Assume there is an unmanaged switch with LID 1, then you can check the uptime information with the following command: And you can also check the current firmware information with this following command: Almost all devices consist of hardware, […]

Network Address Translation

Secara jenis, NAT terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu dynamic ,static. Sedangkan secara mode, NAT bisa juga menjadi PAT. Perbedaan yang ada disini ialah NAT lebih berfokus kea rah mengubah IP Address dan pada nat juga sangat jelas yaitu dynamic dan static dimana pasti diantara kedua itu yang dipilih. Static NAT adalah proses NAT yang dilkukan pada […]

Spanning Tree Protocol

On Cumulus Linux Version 4.2 By default, STP sudah dikonfigurasi pada Cumulus sehingga tidak perlu melakukan konfigurasi apapun lagi. Jika ingin mengubah prioritas maka tinggal diubah STP Priority nya dimana lebih kecil priority maka akan dipilih menjadi root switch. Adapun hal-hal lain yang dapat menjadi pertimbangan adalah pemasangan bpdu guard dengan command net add int […]