Ceph Replacing OSD
- ceph osd out <OSD ID>
WAIT UNTIL PG =0 < Around 1hour?>
systemctl stop (ceph-cluster)@<OSD ID RELATED>
example: systemctl stop ceph-9124ada3513@osd.1
- ceph osd down <OSD ID>
- ceph osd crush remove <OSD ID>
- ceph osd rm <OSD ID>
- ceph auth del <OSD ID>
- Go To The following ceph osd node
- Cd /var/lib/ceph/<ceph cluster>
- Do > find * | grep <OSD ID>
- Remove everything related to the osd > rm -f -r <OSD ID RELATED>
- Make sure to do systemctl daemon-reload
Don’t forget to cleanup the disk from ceph
- gdisk /dev/<OSD DISK> INPUT = X Z Y Y
Adding the Disk
- ceph orch daemon add osd –method raw (ceph-host):/dev/<OSD RELATED PATH>
NOTE: If you encounter the following:
Osd(…) exists, already created?
You need to redo step 1-9, and then restart the docker of the ceph-host related
NOTE: You can also just remove the hard disk directly, and do the clean up with the following command, but there may be some steps to be skipped from the commands