Tacacs+ doesn’t support LDAP authentication by default, but it does support PAM authentication.but you still must define users in your tac_plus.conf, and you must still define groups in tac_plus.conf. Install Required package libpam0g-dev. Create folder for tacac configuration file on /etc/tacacs Download tacacs package from Extract tacacs package go to extracted folder, Now, we will […]
Tag: ubuntu
Install Tacacs Server Ubuntu
Tacacs+ is an open-standard protocol compatible across various networking equipment vendor platforms. Tacacs+ is a TCP based entirely new protocol used for AAA 1. Install the required packages 2. Create folder for tacac configuration file on /etc/tacacs 3. Download tacacs package from and extract tacacs package 4. Go to extracted folder, Now, we will configure and build the […]
Install Telegraf on Ubuntu 22.04
Telegraf is an open source plugin-driven server agent for collecting and reporting time series data. Telegraf collects and sends time series data from databases, systems, and IoT sensors. to install telegraf on ubuntu machine Download and install the appropriate .deb file using a URL from the InfluxData downloads page with the following commands: Give execute […]
Mellanox Connect x4 SRIOV Ubuntu 22.04
SRIOV-CNI support Mellanox ConnectX®-4 Lx and ConnectX®-5 adapter cards. To enable SR-IOV functionality the following steps are required:1.Verify that the system has a Mellanox network adapter (HCA/NIC) installed. 1- Enable SR-IOV in the NIC’s Firmware. Installing Mellanox Management Tools (MFT) or mstflint is a pre-requisite, MFT can be downloaded from http://www.mellanox.com/page/management_tools Download the mft package […]
Regenerate Kubernetes Join Command to Join Work Node
When we first init a K8S cluster, it will output the join command for us to join work node. But the token, by default, is only valid for 24 hours so we need to generate a new one once it expired or if we did not copy it for later use be expiration. Generate new […]
Error installing Netris agent on Cumulus
Installing netris agent in Mellanox Switch with new cumulus it might there are some trouble while in progress. first you need to check date on the switch, is it real-time date? If it isn’t, you can change the timezone with command timedatectl set-timezone. In this case my timezone GMT+7 which is Asia/Jakarta time. next, you […]
Exposing AMD GPU to Kubernates
Current Test System Kubernates, Single Node Rancher System You can refer to this link for kubernates singlenode installation https://blog.alphabravo.io/posts/2021/single-node-rke2-pt1/ Reference http://www.bytefold.com/sharing-gpu-in-kubernetes/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/manage-gpus/scheduling-gpus/ Install kubernates plug-in for ROCM Install the plug in using daemonset Deploy the daemonset (it is a plug in installed on all amd gpu node) its Done,, just like that! Verify the daemonset, […]
Integrate Authenticate 6wind using Radius.
Server Radius run the apt update and upgrade command below to update and refresh the package index on your system. Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on server. First, install Apach and once the installation is finished, you’ll need to adjust your firewall settings to allow HTTP traffic. Since this is a fresh Apache installation and […]
Install Cluster Kubernates using Kubeadm Ubuntu 22.04
Requirement : Initialize node reference : https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/container-runtimes/#containerd Make sure date time are correct and synced We use timesyncd, check the status Edit your NTP Server Restart the service Check your time and timezone, set your timezone if neccessary $timedatectl $timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Jakarta Remove Swap Sometime etcd having problem running in Ubuntu 22.04, edit the grub […]
resize volume ubuntu
Start by checking your root filesystem free space with df -h. To check for existing free space on your Volume Group (where it is left by the installer default settings), run the command vgdisplay and check for free space. Here you can see I have 49.25GB of free space ready to be used. If you don’t have any free space, […]