When we first init a K8S cluster, it will output the join command for us to join work node. But the token, by default, is only valid for 24 hours so we need to generate a new one once it expired or if we did not copy it for later use be expiration. Generate new […]
Tag: k8s
install minikube at ubuntu 20.04
Minimum system requirements for minikube Step 1) Apply updates Apply all updates of existing packages of your system by executing the following apt commands $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt upgrade -y Step 2) Install Minikube dependencies Install the following minikube dependencies by running beneath command, $ sudo apt install -y curl wget apt-transport-https […]
Kubeadm create k8s cluster
Requirement: Master: Ubuntu 20.04, 8192Mb RAM, 4core CPU Worker: Ubuntu 20.04, 4096Mb RAM, 2core CPU Install CRI (containerd) update all machine install docker dependency and add repo install containerd install kubeadm All nodes use super user set all swap off # swapoff -a Remove any matching reference found in /etc/fstab # vi /etc/fstab # ***** /swap […]