M2M_Client SElink Agent on Rocky Linux 8.9

Platform : Rocky-8.9-x86_64-minimalAgent Ver : B5_m2mClient-1_6_1-Rocky_x64 Update Rocky linux Repository install dependency package make sure the SElinux run on permisive mode Create a folder (e.g. /root/selink) with the m2m agent binary and the configuration file om.b5. add execution permission make file om.b5 execute the binary Make SELink as linux service make file start.sh on /root/selink […]

Creating LVM with group Permissions (Complete Guide).

sudo groupadd <groupname> sudo usermod -aG <groupname> <User> sudo yum install lvm2 (For Centos) sudo apt install lvm2 (For Ubuntu) sudo pvcreate /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo vgcreate <volume name> /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo lvcreate -L <size>(m/G) <path> note: if you want to make use of all the size available use: vgdisplay  (check for free allocation) Mkfs.xfs <Logical […]

Integrate Authenticate 6wind using Radius.

Server Radius run the apt update and upgrade command below to update and refresh the package index on your system.  Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on server. First, install Apach and once the installation is finished, you’ll need to adjust your firewall settings to allow HTTP traffic. Since this is a fresh Apache installation and […]

Best Practice: Restart Service switchd on Cumulus MLAG-Pair Switch

Sometimes we/user want to restart service switchd on the one of MLAG-Pair switch Cumulus, or maybe testing to cut off the peerlink between that MLAG-Pair switch (like UAT or similar activity). But if we don’t know who is the primary switch on that MLAG-Pair, we could get into trouble like the Host will disconnected from […]

Create DHCP Server on 6wind Router

State and enable DHCP server configuration. Define subnet and interface gateway on dhcp server. eg: gateway on interface eth1 with IP Set default network address lease time assigned to DHCP clients for this subnet (in seconds, at least 180s). Set maximum network address lease time assigned to DHCP clients for this subnet (in seconds, […]

Configure Galera Cluster on Almalinux 9

Run the following command as root on all 3 nodes: dnf -y install mariadb-server-galera Configure the All Nodesvi /etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnfChange the following line below wsrep_on=1 wsrep_cluster_name=”Galera_Cluster” wsrep_cluster_address=”gcomm://<All Nodes IP Address>” wsrep_node_address=”″ <Current Node IP Address> Execute the following command on 1st Node:galera_new_clustersystemctl enable mariadbmysql_secure_installation Execute the following command on other nodes:systemctl enable –now mariadb Check the […]


The example cluster will use: (pcmk-1) (pcmk-2) (pcmk-3) SIDE NOTE: $ is used when logged in as USER. # is used when logged in as ROOT. Step 1) Configure OS 1)     Apply updates on all existing nodes using the apt command below: $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt upgrade -y 2)     […]

User & Login SElink portal admin/user

Berikut cara akses User & login SElink portal admin/user siapkan file yang telah di download [auto update sesuai version] https://drive.google.com/open?id=11OJUYT5rSyQ5fZacZJ_eA-9ekxOh_Kcu&usp=drive_fs saat ini karena selink gateway 1.2.6 maka SELink tool ( portal admin/user ) akan menggunakan versi 1.5.12 dan juga siapkan pointer url selink gateway saat ini contoh menggunakan alamat selink Graha Infracom selink2.graha-infracom.com:25004 untuk langkah-langkah […]