Exposing AMD GPU to Kubernates

Current Test System Kubernates, Single Node Rancher System You can refer to this link for kubernates singlenode installation https://blog.alphabravo.io/posts/2021/single-node-rke2-pt1/ Reference http://www.bytefold.com/sharing-gpu-in-kubernetes/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/manage-gpus/scheduling-gpus/ Install kubernates plug-in for ROCM Install the plug in using daemonset Deploy the daemonset (it is a plug in installed on all amd gpu node) its Done,, just like that! Verify the daemonset, […]

Running Langchain and LLM Model on AMD ROCM

System Requirements ROCm Installation Can Refer to this link https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/ Docker Runtime Installation Can Refer to this link https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#install-using-the-repository Conda Environment Installation Can Refer to this link (Inside Container) https://vegastack.com/tutorials/how-to-install-anaconda-on-ubuntu-22-04/ Current Test System At this guide I use this following spec : Using Docker Image for ROCm Now after ROCm Installed on the Host OS, […]

PPPoE ipv6 6wind BNG using Radius Auth with SNAT64 Translation.

In this case we will use this topology: PPPoE Server First setup uplink for the internet side and link pppoe-client side, in this case we use dhcp on interface eth0 and just enable interface eth1 for pppoe-client. Next, setup pppoe-tunnel instance inside ppp-server menu with link-interface eth1. After setup pppoe-tunnel, it mandatory to setup authentication […]