Storware backup openstack

Install Centos Stream 8: Minimal Server + Standard Update: # dnf check-update # dnf update Staging Space Configuration Check available disk device: [root@storwer ~]# lsblk NAME   MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda      8:0    0   32G  0 disk ├─sda1   8:1    0  512M  0 part /boot/efi ├─sda2   8:2    0  1.5G  0 part /boot ├─sda3   8:3    0   […]

Create Openstack Lab. Part 2 – Ceph Deployment

Login to maas node as user ‘openstack’ Install and update python package manager Add additional PATH to local python binary Add following line at the end of ~/.bashrc file Apply new additional PATH Install python virtual environment support Create virtual environment for ceph-ansible Activate ceph-ansible virtual environment Update and install required package Make project directory […]

Create Openstack Lab. Part 1 – Nodes Preparation

We’ll deploy an Openstack lab. consists of total 6 nodes (3 controllers + 3 computes) Specifications for controller and compute nodes: Install MaaS – Check here for how-to guide Commission and deploy Ubuntu 20.04 on all machines Create user ‘openstack’ Add user ‘openstack’ to ‘sudo’ group Configure user ‘openstack’ to be able to run ‘sudo’ […]

Storware backup openstack instance

Login to storware admin/vPr0tect masuk menu Virtual Environments > Infrastructures > + Create pilih opsi OPENSTACK pada menu type isi form sesuai dengan source yang ingin di Backup Create ceph storage Storage > Infrastructures > +Create Pilih opsi Ceph RDB Pada menu keyring bisa dilihat dari cli dengan command: cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring Pada menu configuration file […]

Storware for Openstack Backup – Kolla Ansible

Installation Info : Openstack Xena – Ubuntu 20.04 Storware Version 5.1.0-51 For Storware to work for Openstack with Kolla-Ansible Installation which using container, below steps is required : mkdir /opt/vprotectcd /opt/vprotecttouch qemu-img.shtouch virsh.shchmod +x ./*cd /usr/bin/ln -s /opt/vprotect/ virshln -s /opt/vprotect/ qemu-imgcd /opt/vprotect nano id_nova_compute=$(docker ps | grep nova_libvirt | awk ‘{print $1}’)command=” $1 […]