Storware backup openstack

Install Centos Stream 8: Minimal Server + Standard


# dnf check-update

# dnf update

Staging Space Configuration

Check available disk device:

[root@storwer ~]# lsblk NAME   MAJ:MIN RM  SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda      8:0    0   32G  0 disk ├─sda1   8:1    0  512M  0 part /boot/efi ├─sda2   8:2    0  1.5G  0 part /boot ├─sda3   8:3    0   22G  0 part / └─sda4   8:4    0    8G  0 part [SWAP] sdb      8:16   0  128G  0 disk sr0     11:0    1  897M  0 rom 

Format disk device:

mkfs.xfs -K -f /dev/sdb

Make new directory for mount point

mkdir /vprotect_data

Mount /dev/sdb to /vprotect_data

mount /dev/sdb /vprotect_data

Edit /etc/fstab file

vi /etc/fstab

Add following

/dev/sdb /vprotect_data xfs defaults 0 0

Save and quit

Mount all filesystems mentioned in fstab

mount -a

Configure Mariadb repository:

Check for latest available versions for centos8-amd64 (you’ll need to enter the directory to check) – 10.10.2 in this guide


Edit or create file /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo

Add following

[mariadb] name = MariaDB baseurl = gpgkey= gpgcheck=1

Install Storware

bash < <(curl -s


Prepare backup directories

mkdir -p /vprotect_data/backups mkdir -p /vprotect_data/staging mkdir -p /vprotect_data/import mkdir -p /vprotect_data/mount chown vprotect:vprotect -R /vprotect_data systemctl restart vprotect-node

Configure CEPH RBD

yum install epel-release rpm –import ‘’ yum install yum install rbd-nbd ceph-common  

When done, open your browser and go to https://<your_server_ip_address>/

Default user and password are admin and vPr0tect

Configure new administration user

Left menu: Access Management > Users

Click ‘+Create’ button

First name: PSI

Last name: Admin

Login: psi-admin

Password: p4nd4ta123#

Retype password: p4nd4ta123#

Disable UI tour after login

Groups: Select All

Click ‘Save’ button

Logout then login with psi-admin

Configure Default Backup Destination

Left menu: Backup Destinations

Click Create Backup Destination drop down button then select ‘File System (Synthetic)’

General Section

Name: Default Backup Destination

Enable ‘Set this backup destination as default’

Choose Node Configuration: Default Config

File System (Synthetic) Settings

Backup destination paths: /vprotect_data/backups

Click ‘Save’ button

Configure Node Configuration

Left menu: Nodes > Node Configurations

Click Default Config > General tab

Name: Node1 Configuration

Export path (staging space): /vprotect_data/staging

Restore path for import tasks: /vprotect_data/import

Restore path for mount tasks: /vprotect_data/mount

Backup destinations tab

Select ‘Default Backup Destination’ (was created in previous step)

Click ‘Save’ button

Backup internal database

Left menu: Dashboard

Click on Configuration wizard and go to step 6

Choose node configuration: Node1 Configuration

Click ‘Next’ button


SSH Host: <your_server_ip_address>

SSH Port: 22

Click ‘+Create Credential’ button

Name: <your_server_id_address>

User: <your_server_root_or_sudo_user>

Password: <user_password>

Retype password: <user_password>

Click ‘Save’ button

Click ‘Next’ button


Select primary backup destination: Default Backup Destination

Click ‘Next’ button

Choose time of day: 12:00 AM

Click ‘Next’ button

Click ‘Run database backup now’ button

Click ‘Finish’ button

Configure Storage Provider

Left menu: Storage > Infrastructure: Storage Providers tab

Click ‘+Create’ button

Type: Ceph RBD

Name: Ceph Storage Providers

User: admin

Node Configuration: Node1 Configuration

Ceph keyring file contents:

Copy and paste from admin, cinder, glance, and nova keyring files of your CEPH cluster

[client.admin]                   key = AQClu79jCwh7HBAAILT/37WTQTMU//WNxTPkbw==                   caps mds = “allow *”                   caps mgr = “allow *”                   caps mon = “allow *”                   caps osd = “allow *” [client.cinder]                   key = AQCwxL9jMJ0rCxAARUUtEboRfpx/McsEvHydqA== [client.glance]                   key = AQCvxL9ju9O6LhAA93zfCtKKYmMngUQtxLLiTg== [client.nova]                   key = AQCxxL9jz/KAABAAWWyQYNhRVt7JJeNfCogCyw==  


If deploying ceph using cephadm, file /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring is encrypted:

sudo ceph-authtool /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring –list

Ceph configuration file contents:


Copy and paste from ‘ceph.conf’ file of your CEPH cluster

[global] cluster network = fsid = 1d1a8d64-af52-47b2-a6bd-c31b89b8cf47 mon host = [v2:,v1:] mon initial members = ceph osd crush chooseleaf type = 0 osd pool default crush rule = -1 public network =  

Click ‘Save’ button and choose to synchronize inventory when asked

Configure Openstack Backup

Left menu: Virtual Environments > Infrastructure: Hypervisor Manager tab

Click ‘+Create’ button

Choose type: OpenStack

URL: <your_keystone_internal_endpoint_url>

Region: <your_openstack_cluster_region_name>

Choose impot/export mode: SSH transfer

Choose node configuration: Node1 Configuration

Authentication domains:

Name: default authentication domain

User: admin

Default project name: admin

Domain ID: default

Password: <your_openstack_admin_password>

Click ‘Save’ button and confirm when being asked to run inventory synchronization

Synchronization will be failed, no worry, let’s continue to next steps

Login to your Storware server CLI

Modify /etc/hosts file

vi /etc/hosts

Add all hypervisor IP addresses and hostnames

<hypervisor_ip_address> <hypervisor_hostname>

Save and exit

Try to ping <hypervisor_hostname>

ping -c 3 <hypervisor_hostname>

Create private and public key for vprotect user

chown vprotect:vprotect -R /opt/vprotect cd /opt/vprotect sudo -u vprotect ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM

Upload vprotect user public key to KVM host

sudo -u vprotect ssh-copy-id -i /opt/vprotect/.ssh/ <user_with_sudo>@<hypervisor_hostname>

Test connection to <hypervisor_hostname> with being asked for password

sudo -u vprotect ssh <user_with_sudo>@<hypervisor_hostname> hostname

It will returns <hypervisor_hostname>

Configure Hypervisor

Login to your hypervisor

Create and

sudo mkdir /opt/vprotect cd /opt/vprotect sudo touch sudo touch sudo chmod +x ./* cd /usr/bin/ sudo ln -s /opt/vprotect/ virsh sudo ln -s /opt/vprotect/ qemu-img

cd /opt/vprotect

sudo vi /opt/vprotect/

#!/usr/bin/bash id_nova_compute=$(docker ps | grep nova_libvirt | awk ‘{print $1}’) command=” $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6″ docker exec -u root $id_nova_compute qemu-img $command

sudo vi /opt/vprotect/

#!/usr/bin/bash id_nova_compute=$(docker ps | grep nova_libvirt | awk ‘{print $1}’) command=” $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6″ docker exec -u root $id_nova_compute virsh $command

Logout when done

Return to Storware GUI

Configure Hypervisors

Left menu: Virtual Environments > Infrastructure: Hypervisors tab

Click one of hypervisor from the list

Host: <hypervisor_hostname>

Username: <user_with_sudo>

SSH key path: /opt/vprotect/.ssh/id_rsa

Click ‘Save’ button

Configure Storage

Left menu: Virtual Environments > Infrastructure: Storage tab

Click on _DEFAULT_

Storage pool name: volumes/cinder

Click ‘Save’ button

Configure Clusters

Left menu: Virtual Environments > Infrastructure: Clusters tab

Click on ‘nova’

Select storage provider to ceph storage

Click ‘Save’ button

Now return to Hypervisor Managers and try to synchronize inventory again

Check available VMs

Configure Backup SLAs

Left menu: Virtual Environments > Backup SLAs: Policies tab

Click ‘+Create’ button

Name: Default Backup Policy

Enable Scheduled backup enabled

Disable Auto remove non-present Virtual Environments

Virtual Environments

Check all VMs

Click on ‘Create Schedule’

Name: Daily Backup

Choose days: Monday – Sunday

Click ‘Save’ button

Now we can backup VMs

Left menu: Virtual Environments > Instances

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