Configure Redis Cluster on RHEL 8

– 3 nodes – 2 redis instances each node Node Name node-1 node-2 node-3 IP address Redis server instances(port number) master-1 (7000) master-2 (7000) master-3 (7000) slave-3 (7001) slave-1 (7001) slave-2 (7001) Install each nodes with RHEL 8 Register server and select minimal server option, standard server, development tools Create user with […]

Storware backup proxmox VM

Storware All-In-One Storage configuration: /dev/sda : for system /dev/sdb : for backup Install Rocky Linux 8 Check for update: # dnf check-update Install update: # dnf update Install Storware: # bash < <(curl -s Format /dev/sdb # mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb Check UUID for /dev/sdb # blkid Modify /etc/fstab # vi /etc/fstab Add following line: […]

create Stack files for Openstack orchestration file

heat_template_version: “[template version]”description: “[stack description]”resources:Server_1:type: “OS::Nova::Server”properties:security_groups:– “[security group ID]”networks:– network: “[network ID]”fixed_ip: “[static ip]”name: “[instance name]”flavor: “[flavor name]”image: “[image ID]”availability_zone: novakey_name: [key name] Server_2:type: “OS::Nova::Server”properties:security_groups:– “[security group ID]”networks:– network: “[network ID]”fixed_ip: “[static ip]”name: “[instance name]”flavor: “[flavor name]”image: “[image ID]”availability_zone: novakey_name: [key name]depends_on:– Server_1 ….. FOR EXAMPLE:

Create Windows server 2k19 VM to openstack from Proxmox 7.1

untuk menjalankan windows server pada Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.1-7 dibutuhkan virtio image, untuk windows server 2k19 menggunakan support dari virtio versi virtio-win-0.1.217.iso STEPS: Log in to UI Proxmox Download windows server image Iso to proxmox Choose Download from url copy Download URL and Image name Download the iso image wait till the download is done […]

Storware backup openstack instance

Login to storware admin/vPr0tect masuk menu Virtual Environments > Infrastructures > + Create pilih opsi OPENSTACK pada menu type isi form sesuai dengan source yang ingin di Backup Create ceph storage Storage > Infrastructures > +Create Pilih opsi Ceph RDB Pada menu keyring bisa dilihat dari cli dengan command: cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring Pada menu configuration file […]

Installing microk8s Ubuntu 20.04 22.04

Install: Check the status while Kubernetes starts Auto sudo: kubectl command for microk8s: Install CoreDNS and Other Common Service in Kubernetes Additional service for dashboard and ingress Access the Kubernetes dashboard Kubernetes is a collection of system services that talk to each other all the time. If you don’t need them running in the background […]

Storware for Openstack Backup – Kolla Ansible

Installation Info : Openstack Xena – Ubuntu 20.04 Storware Version 5.1.0-51 For Storware to work for Openstack with Kolla-Ansible Installation which using container, below steps is required : mkdir /opt/vprotectcd /opt/vprotecttouch qemu-img.shtouch virsh.shchmod +x ./*cd /usr/bin/ln -s /opt/vprotect/ virshln -s /opt/vprotect/ qemu-imgcd /opt/vprotect nano id_nova_compute=$(docker ps | grep nova_libvirt | awk ‘{print $1}’)command=” $1 […]


MASAKARI using pacemaker,corosync to monitor HOST status, which will run in hacluster-pacemaker-remote container. MASAKARI Configured by enabling this config on global.conf : enable_hacluster: “yes” enable_masakari: “yes” If the Compute installed on the same Node with Controller this may conflicting existing Pacemaker and Corosync for Controller/Core Service. If MASAKARI Needed, Compute and Controller must be resides […]