Storware Backup & Recovery can be easily installed on a single box quickly. This approach installs a server and node on the same box and generates an SSL certificate based on the hostname where it is installed. This corresponds to Ansible deployment, with the node and server roles installed on the same host. The end […]
snapshot on proxmox VE
open Proxmox UI : https://*.*.*.*:8006 login choose the vm choose snapshot at vm menu than take snapshot fill the snapshot name and description (optional) take snapshot wait the snapshot done ok. done
We using eBGP for creating BGP-EVPN 3-Stage fabric with SLX-OS. Noted that Interface, IP address, Speed Interface also AS Number BGP can be adjusted. Global MTU Config================mtu 9216ipv6 mtu 9100ip mtu 9100 Config Interface P2P#Leaf:Interface Ethernet 0/1 speed 1000 ip address no shutdown————————-#Spine:Interface Ethernet 0/1 speed 1000 ip address no shutdown Loopback Iface […]
Create Openstack Lab. Part 2 – Ceph Deployment
Login to maas node as user ‘openstack’ Install and update python package manager Add additional PATH to local python binary Add following line at the end of ~/.bashrc file Apply new additional PATH Install python virtual environment support Create virtual environment for ceph-ansible Activate ceph-ansible virtual environment Update and install required package Make project directory […]
Install MaaS 3.2 for PoC
Server specifications: Install Ubuntu 20.04 with ‘openstack’ user Login as user ‘openstack’ Configure user ‘openstack’ to be able to run sudo command without being asked for password Update and upgrade Ubuntu Install MaaS Install test database for PoC Initialize MaaS as region and rack controllers using maas-test-db Use default value for MaaS URL – just […]
Redis on RedHat 8
Three nodes with following specifications: Install and register RedHat 8 IP address and instances: Login as root Upgrade node to latest available updates Modify /etc/sysctl.conf file Add following lines Install required packages Install redis Check installation Prepare required directories On all nodes On bpjs-poc01 On bpjs-poc02 On bpjs-poc03 Prepare configuration files On bpjs-poc01 On bpjs-poc02 […]
Vlan on Router 6Wind
add sub interface vlan on physical interface. Add ip and its prefix on bridge interface if it needed.
Create Openstack Lab. Part 1 – Nodes Preparation
We’ll deploy an Openstack lab. consists of total 6 nodes (3 controllers + 3 computes) Specifications for controller and compute nodes: Install MaaS – Check here for how-to guide Commission and deploy Ubuntu 20.04 on all machines Create user ‘openstack’ Add user ‘openstack’ to ‘sudo’ group Configure user ‘openstack’ to be able to run ‘sudo’ […]
Configure Redis Cluster on RHEL 8
– 3 nodes – 2 redis instances each node Node Name node-1 node-2 node-3 IP address Redis server instances(port number) master-1 (7000) master-2 (7000) master-3 (7000) slave-3 (7001) slave-1 (7001) slave-2 (7001) Install each nodes with RHEL 8 Register server and select minimal server option, standard server, development tools Create user with […]