Create and manage volumes Volumes are block storage devices that you attach to instances to enable persistent storage. You can attach a volume to a running instance or detach a volume and attach it to another instance at any time. You can also create a snapshot from or delete a volume. Only administrative users can […]
Author: cloud-sys
Sardina Documentation Series – Part-3
Configure access and security for instances Before you launch an instance, you should add security group rules to enable users to ping and use SSH to connect to the instance. Security groups are sets of IP filter rules that define networking access and are applied to all instances within a project. To do so, you […]
Sardina Documentation Series – Part-4
Launch and manage instances Instances are virtual machines that run inside the cloud. You can launch an instance from the following sources: Launch an instance You can also launch an instance from the Images or Volumes category when you launch an instance from an image or a volume respectively. When you launch an instance from an image, OpenStack creates […]
Sardina Documentation Series – Part-2
Upload and manage images A virtual machine image, referred to in this document simply as an image, is a single file that contains a virtual disk that has a bootable operating system installed on it. Images are used to create virtual machine instances within the cloud. For information about creating image files, see the OpenStack […]
KILL command in Linux
Here’s how to use the KILL command within Linux $ KILL [options] <PID> Linux KILL options: Option Description -s Specify what kill signal to send. -l Shows the name of the signal through the signal number. -L List all the available signals. q Sends the signal using sigqueue(3) instead of kill(2), allowing an additional integer […]
Sardina Documentation Series – Part-1
Log in to the Dashboard The dashboard is generally installed on the controller node. OpenStack dashboard — Project tab Projects are organizational units in the cloud and are also known as tenants or accounts. Each user is a member of one or more projects. Within a project, a user creates and manages instances. From the […]
Create VM using KVM and Virt Manager
Type this command to see if the processor is enough to handle virtualization $ egrep -c ‘(vmx|svm)’ /proc/cpuinfo if the output is greater than 0 (zero) you’re good to go. next is to install these packages by using this command $ sudo apt install -y qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon libvirt-clients bridge-utils virt-manager Start and enable libvirt […]
Port Forwarding apache2 default port to 8080 using IP Tables
ubuntu@server1:~$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf Listen 80 Our default port for apache2 service is 80, now we test this by using the curl command ubuntu@server1:~$ curl server1:80 => should output apache2 default html ubuntu@server1:~$ curl server1:8080 => should output “curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused” We’re going to use ip tables […]
Creating LVM with group Permissions (Complete Guide).
sudo groupadd <groupname> sudo usermod -aG <groupname> <User> sudo yum install lvm2 (For Centos) sudo apt install lvm2 (For Ubuntu) sudo pvcreate /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo vgcreate <volume name> /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo lvcreate -L <size>(m/G) <path> note: if you want to make use of all the size available use: vgdisplay (check for free allocation) Mkfs.xfs <Logical […]
Configure Galera Cluster on Almalinux 9
Run the following command as root on all 3 nodes: dnf -y install mariadb-server-galera Configure the All Nodesvi /etc/my.cnf.d/galera.cnfChange the following line below wsrep_on=1 wsrep_cluster_name=”Galera_Cluster” wsrep_cluster_address=”gcomm://<All Nodes IP Address>” wsrep_node_address=”″ <Current Node IP Address> Execute the following command on 1st Node:galera_new_clustersystemctl enable mariadbmysql_secure_installation Execute the following command on other nodes:systemctl enable –now mariadb Check the […]