PROXMOX SNMP Monitoring with libreNMS

Proxmox Virtual Environment is based on Debian GNU/Linux we use apt package manager to install snmpd server. Login to Proxmox Machine with SSH check snmpd status edit snmpd configuration edit the following line The line agentaddress udp:161 tells the SNMP Daemon to listen on UDP port 161 on every IPv4 interface. The line rocommunity public […]

Installing Prometheus Server with custom Configuration on Ubuntu 22.04

Prerequisites Step 1: Creating Prometheus system user and directory Create a system user for Prometheus sudo useradd –system -M -s /bin/false prometheus Create a directory in which we will be storing our configuration files and libraries: sudo mkdir /etc/prometheussudo mkdir /var/lib/prometheus Set ownership of /var/lib/prometheus directory sudo chown prometheus:prometheus /var/lib/prometheus Step 2: Download the Prometheus […]

Install Node Exporter on Ubuntu

This node exporter was installed on Ubuntu 22.04 Creating the User Unpack the package downloaded Install Node Exporter Setup the Node Exporter service Add the following below NOTE: CHANGE “<PORT>” TO ANY PORT NUMBER DESIRED e.g 9xxx Reload Systemd Enable node exporter on startup verify the node exporter is running

Grafana and Alerting ( Ubuntu )

Installation Components Required sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-httpssudo apt-get install -y software-properties-common wgetsudo wget -q -O /usr/share/keyrings/grafana.key Adding Repositories echo “deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/grafana.key] stable main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list Updating Packages sudo apt-get update Installing Grafana sudo apt-get install grafana Starting and enabling Grafana on startup sudo systemctl enable grafana-server sudo systemctl start […]

Installing Promtail on ubuntu

Install Promtail Adding Repo PROMTAIL_VERSION=$(curl -s “” | grep -Po ‘”tag_name”: “v\K[0-9.]+’) Create a new directory for storing Promtail binary and configuration file. sudo mkdir /opt/promtail Run the following command to download Promtail archive from releases page of the Loki repository. sudo wget -qO /opt/promtail/promtail.gz “${PROMTAIL_VERSION}/” Extract binary file from archive: sudo gunzip /opt/promtail/promtail.gz Set […]

Installing Loki On Ubuntu

Install Loki Get the latest version tag of Loki release from GitHub. Then assign version tag to variable. LOKI_VERSION=$(curl -s “” | grep -Po ‘”tag_name”: “v\K[0-9.]+’) Create a new directory to store Loki binary and configuration file. sudo mkdir /opt/loki Download archive from releases page of the Loki repository. sudo wget -qO /opt/loki/loki.gz “${LOKI_VERSION}/” Extract […]

Installing Ntopng and promiscuos mode configuration

Ntopng diinstalasikan fisik dengan satu port yang dikonfigurasikan sebagai mirror port, satu sebagai management port dan satu lagi sebagai bmc port. Secara fisik, berikut adalah topologi ntopng yang akan di deploy : Kemudian setelah itu lakukan instalasi ubuntu, pada contoh kali ini versi 22.04. Kemudian jika sudah selesai saatnya melakukan instalasi ntopng. Run menggunakan command […]