PROXMOX SNMP Monitoring with libreNMS

Proxmox Virtual Environment is based on Debian GNU/Linux we use apt package manager to install snmpd server. Login to Proxmox Machine with SSH check snmpd status edit snmpd configuration edit the following line The line agentaddress udp:161 tells the SNMP Daemon to listen on UDP port 161 on every IPv4 interface. The line rocommunity public […]

Install Node Exporter on Ubuntu

This node exporter was installed on Ubuntu 22.04 Creating the User Unpack the package downloaded Install Node Exporter Setup the Node Exporter service Add the following below NOTE: CHANGE “<PORT>” TO ANY PORT NUMBER DESIRED e.g 9xxx Reload Systemd Enable node exporter on startup verify the node exporter is running

Port Forwarding apache2 default port to 8080 using IP Tables

ubuntu@server1:~$ sudo vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf Listen 80 Our default port for apache2 service is 80, now we test this by using the curl command ubuntu@server1:~$ curl server1:80 => should output apache2 default html ubuntu@server1:~$ curl server1:8080 => should output “curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused” We’re going to use ip tables […]

Creating LVM with group Permissions (Complete Guide).

sudo groupadd <groupname> sudo usermod -aG <groupname> <User> sudo yum install lvm2 (For Centos) sudo apt install lvm2 (For Ubuntu) sudo pvcreate /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo vgcreate <volume name> /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo lvcreate -L <size>(m/G) <path> note: if you want to make use of all the size available use: vgdisplay  (check for free allocation) Mkfs.xfs <Logical […]

Troubleshooting LDAP and Radius

Scope dalam post kali ini adalah ketika seorang user menghubungkan perangkat dengan SSID Graha_Infracom akan tetapi proses tersebut gagal. Berikut langkah untuk melihat indikasi masalah :1. Login menuju ruijie cloud dan lakukan perkiraan posisi client dengan AP yang terdekat 2. SSH pada AP tersebut lalu gunakan command : debug AAA dan debug 802.1x 3. Lakukan […]