Download and install the appropriate .deb or .rpm file using a URL from the InfluxData downloads page with the following commands: give execute permision to file install influxdb using dpkg command run influxdb service If successful, you can view the InfluxDB UI at http://localhost:8086.
Author: acc-sec team
Run pod on control plane kubernetes
By default, Kubernetes Cluster will not schedule pods on the control-plane node for security reasons. To be able to schedule pods on the Kubernetes control-plane node, you need to remove a taint on the master nodes. For single node the command to use is:
Regenerate Kubernetes Join Command to Join Work Node
When we first init a K8S cluster, it will output the join command for us to join work node. But the token, by default, is only valid for 24 hours so we need to generate a new one once it expired or if we did not copy it for later use be expiration. Generate new […]
Install and peer glusterFS on ubuntu 20.04
Install software-properties-common: Then add the community GlusterFS PPA: Update ubuntu repo Finally, install the packages: Note: Packages exist for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS, 20.10, 21.04 enable glusterfs daemon on startup Check glusterfs daemon Peer Gluster server node check peer status
Iperf3 Multisession Test
iperf3 process is single-threaded. This means all the parallel streams for one test use the same CPU core. To run multiple iperf3 processes for a testing a high-speed host, do the following: Start Multiple Session on iperf3 Server Run multiple clients, using the “-T” flag to label the output:
Install Ferrumgate Opensource ZTNA
First you need to install a debian 11 and above machine. Update apt package index Upgrade packages and reboot Install curl unzip Download install script with curl or wget Start Ferrumgate this script will install docker and configure system for startup or for more starting will take a little time for first time, because of […]
Install LibreNMS Ubuntu 20.04
Development Platform : Ubuntu Server 20.04 Web Server Nginx version 1.18.0 LibreNMS version 24.1.0 PHP version 8.2.15 python version 3.8.10 MariaDB version 10.3.39 Update Ubuntu Linux Server Install Required Packages Add libreNMS user and set password for user librenms Clone libreNSM to /opt directory Change Owner Permission and Acl Install PHP Dependency SET timezone Ensure […]
M2M_Client SElink Agent on Rocky Linux 8.9
Platform : Rocky-8.9-x86_64-minimalAgent Ver : B5_m2mClient-1_6_1-Rocky_x64 Update Rocky linux Repository install dependency package make sure the SElinux run on permisive mode Create a folder (e.g. /root/selink) with the m2m agent binary and the configuration file om.b5. add execution permission make file om.b5 execute the binary Make SELink as linux service make file on /root/selink […]
User & Login SElink portal admin/user
Berikut cara akses User & login SElink portal admin/user siapkan file yang telah di download [auto update sesuai version] saat ini karena selink gateway 1.2.6 maka SELink tool ( portal admin/user ) akan menggunakan versi 1.5.12 dan juga siapkan pointer url selink gateway saat ini contoh menggunakan alamat selink Graha Infracom untuk langkah-langkah […]
M2m_Client Selink Agent on Windows
Untuk dapat melakukan install selink agent pada OS windows dapat menggunakan Langkah-langkah berikut ; Siap kan 2 file , Yaitu buat direktori C:/SElink kemudian masukan kedua file terssebut kedalam folder tersebut. Untuk melakukan install ikuti Langkah berikut 1. buka file command promt dengan Run as administrator 2. masuk ke dalam file direktori C:/SElink 3. lalu […]