PROXMOX SNMP Monitoring with libreNMS

Proxmox Virtual Environment is based on Debian GNU/Linux we use apt package manager to install snmpd server. Login to Proxmox Machine with SSH check snmpd status edit snmpd configuration edit the following line The line agentaddress udp:161 tells the SNMP Daemon to listen on UDP port 161 on every IPv4 interface. The line rocommunity public […]

Install LibreNMS Ubuntu 20.04

Development Platform : Ubuntu Server 20.04 Web Server Nginx version 1.18.0 LibreNMS version 24.1.0 PHP version 8.2.15 python version 3.8.10 MariaDB version 10.3.39 Update Ubuntu Linux Server Install Required Packages Add libreNMS user and set password for user librenms Clone libreNSM to /opt directory Change Owner Permission and Acl Install PHP Dependency SET timezone Ensure […]

M2M_Client SElink Agent on Rocky Linux 8.9

Platform : Rocky-8.9-x86_64-minimalAgent Ver : B5_m2mClient-1_6_1-Rocky_x64 Update Rocky linux Repository install dependency package make sure the SElinux run on permisive mode Create a folder (e.g. /root/selink) with the m2m agent binary and the configuration file om.b5. add execution permission make file om.b5 execute the binary Make SELink as linux service make file on /root/selink […]

User & Login SElink portal admin/user

Berikut cara akses User & login SElink portal admin/user siapkan file yang telah di download [auto update sesuai version] saat ini karena selink gateway 1.2.6 maka SELink tool ( portal admin/user ) akan menggunakan versi 1.5.12 dan juga siapkan pointer url selink gateway saat ini contoh menggunakan alamat selink Graha Infracom untuk langkah-langkah […]