PROXMOX SNMP Monitoring with libreNMS

Proxmox Virtual Environment is based on Debian GNU/Linux we use apt package manager to install snmpd server. Login to Proxmox Machine with SSH check snmpd status edit snmpd configuration edit the following line The line agentaddress udp:161 tells the SNMP Daemon to listen on UDP port 161 on every IPv4 interface. The line rocommunity public […]

Creating LVM with group Permissions (Complete Guide).

sudo groupadd <groupname> sudo usermod -aG <groupname> <User> sudo yum install lvm2 (For Centos) sudo apt install lvm2 (For Ubuntu) sudo pvcreate /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo vgcreate <volume name> /dev/vdb /dev/vdc sudo lvcreate -L <size>(m/G) <path> note: if you want to make use of all the size available use: vgdisplay  (check for free allocation) Mkfs.xfs <Logical […]