Configure Redis Cluster on RHEL 8

– 3 nodes – 2 redis instances each node Node Name node-1 node-2 node-3 IP address Redis server instances(port number) master-1 (7000) master-2 (7000) master-3 (7000) slave-3 (7001) slave-1 (7001) slave-2 (7001) Install each nodes with RHEL 8 Register server and select minimal server option, standard server, development tools Create user with […]

Storware backup proxmox VM

Storware All-In-One Storage configuration: /dev/sda : for system /dev/sdb : for backup Install Rocky Linux 8 Check for update: # dnf check-update Install update: # dnf update Install Storware: # bash < <(curl -s Format /dev/sdb # mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb Check UUID for /dev/sdb # blkid Modify /etc/fstab # vi /etc/fstab Add following line: […]

Storware backup openstack instance

Login to storware admin/vPr0tect masuk menu Virtual Environments > Infrastructures > + Create pilih opsi OPENSTACK pada menu type isi form sesuai dengan source yang ingin di Backup Create ceph storage Storage > Infrastructures > +Create Pilih opsi Ceph RDB Pada menu keyring bisa dilihat dari cli dengan command: cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring Pada menu configuration file […]

Install Mellanox Connect X SRIOV Openstack Xena, Using Kolla

Version [Openstack Xena, Ubuntu 20.04]eno1 eno1.888 : Internal eno1.2005 : External Reference SRIOV Mellanox : Config Kolla : Config Template : Openstack : Kolla : Installation Install NIC ConnectX 4 or 5 or 6 #lspci | grep Ethernet 2f:00.0 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5]2f:00.1 Ethernet controller: Mellanox Technologies […]