Device Status Checking Commands

display cpu

The display cpu command displays the CPU usage of the device.

<HUAWEI> display cpu
CPU utilization statistics at 2019-03-27 10:03:42 063 ms                        
System CPU Using Percentage :  16%                                              
CPU utilization for five seconds: 16%, one minute: 16%, five minutes: 16%.      
Max CPU Usage :                41%                                              
Max CPU Usage Stat. Time : 2019-03-25 04:24:33 292 ms                           
State: Non-overload
Overload threshold:  90%, Overload clear threshold:  75%, Duration:  480s
ServiceName  UseRate
SYSTEM           16%                                                            
AAA               0%
ARP               0%
BGP               0%                                                            
CMF               0%
DEVICE            0%
DHCP              0%                                                            
DNS               0%                                                            
EUM               0%
FEA               0%
FEC               0%
FIBRESM           0%
IFM               0%
IGMP              0%                                                            
IP STACK          0%
ISIS              0%                                                            
LDT               0%                                                            
LINK              0%                                                            
LLDP              0%                                                            
LOCAL PKT         0%
MC                0%                                                            
MSTP              0%
ND                0%
NETSTREAM         0%
OAM               0%
OPENFLOW          0%                                                            
OSPF              0%
PEM               0%
PIM               0%                                                            
PNP               0%
RGM               0%
RM                0%
SFLOW             0%                                                            
SLA               0%
SMLK              0%
STACKMNG          0%
SVRO              0%
TNLM              0%
TUNNEL            0%
VLAN              0%
CPU Usage Details
CPU     Current  FiveSec   OneMin  FiveMin  Max MaxTime
cpu0        32%      32%      31%      31%  69% 2019-03-25 04:22:50             
cpu1        14%      14%      15%      16%  62% 2019-03-25 04:22:50             
cpu2        17%      17%      17%      18%  63% 2019-03-25 04:22:50             
cpu3        17%      17%      16%      15%  62% 2019-03-25 04:22:50             
cpu4        15%      15%      15%      17%  61% 2019-03-25 04:22:50             
cpu5        15%      15%      16%      15%  65% 2019-03-25 04:22:50             
cpu6        16%      16%      16%      15%  62% 2019-03-25 04:22:50             
cpu7         2%       2%       2%       1%  11% 2019-03-25 04:22:40             

display cpu monitor

The display cpu monitor command displays the CPU overloading status.

<HUAWEI> display cpu monitor all
CPU overload information
Slot       Time                     State
1          0000-00-00 00:00:00      Unoverload

display cpu monitor history

The display cpu monitor history command displays the historical CPU overloading records.

<HUAWEI> display cpu monitor history
CPU Overload history:
System CPU use rate is : 99%
OverloadTime : 2013-11-14 03:27:25
ServiceName         UseRate   
SYSTEM              99%
CMF                  0%
UNKNOWN              0%
IP STACK             0%
AAA                  0%
RM                   0%
TNLM                 0%
LOCAL PKT            0%
SLA                  0%
MSTP                 0%
VLAN                 0%
DEVICE               0%
ARP                  0%
ND                   0%
IFM                  0%
FIBRESM              0%
TUNNEL               0%
FEC                  0%
FEA                  0%
PNP                  0%

display cpu threshold

The display cpu threshold command displays the CPU usage thresholds on the device.

<HUAWEI> display cpu threshold
CPU monitor configuration                                                       
Slot      MonitorNum  MonitorCycle  UnovloadLimit  OvloadLimit                  
1                48          10(s)            75%          90%                  

display device

The display device command displays the type and status of components on a device.

<HUAWEI> display device
Device status:                                                                                                                      
Slot  Card   Type                     Online   Power Register     Alarm     Primary
1     -      CE6863-48S6CQ            Present  On    Registered   Normal    Master                                                  
      FAN1   FAN-031A-B               Present  On    Registered   Normal    NA                                                      
      FAN2   FAN-031A-B               Present  On    Registered   Normal    NA                                                      
      FAN3   FAN-031A-B               Present  On    Registered   Normal    NA                                                      
      FAN4   FAN-031A-B               Present  On    Registered   Normal    NA                                                      
      PWR1   PAC600S12-CB             Present  On    Registered   Normal    NA                                                      

display device card

The display device card command displays the device’s card status information.

<HUAWEI> display device card                                             
Slot/Card  Card-Type      Online      Power     Register       Alarm            

1/4        CE98-D32CQ     Present     On        Registered     Normal           


display device fan

The display device fan command displays the fan status.

<HUAWEI> display device fan
fan module:
Slot   FanID    FanNum    Status       Speed         Mode    Airflow Direction
1      FAN1     [1-2]     Normal       100%(16050)   Auto    Front-to-Back
                  1                    15700
                  2                    16400
       FAN2     [1-2]     Abnormal     100%(25500)   Auto    Front-to-Back
                  1                    25500
                  2                    25500
N/A:Fan not available

display device manufacture-info

The display device manufacture-info command displays manufacturing information of the device.

<HUAWEI> display device manufacture-info
Slot       Card   Type               Serial-number            Manu-date         
1          --     CE6863-48S6CQ      101980048421             2019-08-22        
           PWR1   PAC600S12-CB       2102312FFUHVK5000034     2019-05-26        

display device power

The display device power command displays the power supply status of the device.

<HUAWEI> display device power
Slot PowerNo Present Mode State     Current   Voltage   ActualPower RatedPower
                                    (Ampere)  (Volt)      (Watts)     (Watts)
1    PWR1    YES     AC   NotSupply 0.0       0.0       0           600
     PWR2    YES     AC   Supply    12.0      12.0      144         600
N/A:Power not available
internal fan info:
Slot   PowerNo  FanExist  Airflow Direction
1      PWR1     YES       Front-to-Back
       PWR2     YES       Front-to-Back

display device power system

The display device power system command displays the power of the device.

<HUAWEI> display device power system
Average power consumption: 122 W                                                
Current power consumption: 122 W                                                
Power manage cycle: 1 hour                                                      
Power manage mode: Standard                                                     

Power Supply Module Information:                                                
Slot PowerNo Present Mode State        Current   Voltage   ActualPower RatedPower                                                                               
                                    (Ampere)  (Volt)      (Watts)     (Watts)

1    PWR1    YES     AC   Supply       10.2      12.0      122         600      

     PWR2    NO      --   --           --        --        --          --       


Board Power Information:                                                        
Slot  Card   BoardType            State        ActualPower  RatedPower
                                                 (Watts)      (Watts)
1     --     CE6863-48S6CQ        on           122          272                 
N/A:Power not available

display device temperature

The display device temperature command displays the device temperature.

<HUAWEI> display device temperature all
Slot    Card    SensorName    Status         Major        Fatal        Current
                                           (Celsius)    (Celsius)     (Celsius)   
1       --      Environment1  Normal          75           80            42               
        --      Environment2  Normal          75           80            49        
        --      CPU           Normal         105          120            45       
        --      LSW-0         Normal         105          120            63       
        --      LSW-1         Normal         105          120            62               
        PWR1    PAC600S12-B   --              --           --             0         
        PWR2    PAC600S12-B   --              --           --            49     
3       --      Environment1  Normal          75           80            42       
        --      Environment2  Normal          75           80            49       
        --      CPU           Normal         105          120            45        
        --      LSW-0         Normal         105          120            63        
        --      LSW-1         Normal         105          120            62          
        PWR1    PAC600S12-B   --              --           --             0        
        PWR2    PAC600S12-B   --              --           --            49     

display diagnostic-information

The display diagnostic-information command collects and displays all the current diagnostic information or saves diagnostic information in a specified file.

<HUAWEI> display diagnostic-information
                 display alarm active verbose

Sequence    : 16
AlarmId     : 0x8130017             AlarmName : hwFanInvalid
AlarmType   : equipment             Severity  : Major            State : active
RootKindFlag: Independent
StartTime   : 2016-06-27 01:03:23
Description : A fan module experienced a complete failure. (EntPhysicalIndex=18087936, EntPhysicalName=FAN slot 6, EntityTrapFaultID
=137216, Reason=The fan was not present.)

Sequence    : 15
AlarmId     : 0x8130017             AlarmName : hwFanInvalid
AlarmType   : equipment             Severity  : Major            State : active
RootKindFlag: Independent
StartTime   : 2016-06-27 01:03:23
Description : A fan module experienced a complete failure. (EntPhysicalIndex=18022400, EntPhysicalName=FAN slot 5, EntityTrapFaultID
=137216, Reason=The fan was not present.)

display license esn

The display license esn command displays the equipment serial number (ESN) used for applying a license.

<HUAWEI> display license esn
ESN: 210235805110DB000017

display health

The display health command displays the health status of the device.

<HUAWEI> display health
Slot PowerNo Present Mode State        Current   Voltage   ActualPower RatedPower 
                                       (Ampere)  (Volt)      (Watts)     (Watts)  
1    PWR1    YES     AC   Supply       10.5      12.0      126         600        
     PWR2    NO      --   --           --        --        --          --         
N/A:Power not available                                                           
internal fan info:                                                                
Slot   PowerNo  FanExist  Airflow Direction                                       
1      PWR1     YES       Front-to-Back                                           
       PWR2     --        --                                                      
N/A:Fan not available                                                             

fan module:                                                                       
Slot   FanID    FanNum    Status       Speed         Mode    Airflow Direction    
1      FAN1     [ 1 ]     Normal       40%(9328)     Auto    Front-to-Back        
                  1                    9328                                       
       FAN2     [ 1 ]     Normal       40%(9136)     Auto    Front-to-Back        
                  1                    9136                                       
       FAN3     [ 1 ]     Normal       40%(9264)     Auto    Front-to-Back        
                  1                    9264                                       
       FAN4     [ 1 ]     Normal       40%(9120)     Auto    Front-to-Back        
                  1                    9120                                       
N/A:Fan not available                                                             

Slot    Card    SensorName    Status         Major        Fatal        Current    
                                           (Celsius)    (Celsius)     (Celsius)   
1       --      Outlet-1(LSW) NORMAL          75           85            59       
        --      Intake-1(LSW) NORMAL          75           85            55       
        --      CPU           NORMAL         105          120            50       
        --      LSW           NORMAL         105          120            76       
        --      LSW           NORMAL         105          120            78       

System Memory Usage Information:                                                  
System Memory Usage at 2020-04-29 11:15:59                                        
Slot   Total Memory(MB)   Used Memory(MB)    Used Percentage    Upper Limit       
1      3748               1475               39%                95%               

System CPU Usage Information:                                                     
System CPU Usage at 2020-04-29 11:15:59                                           
Slot   CPU Usage          Upper Limit                                             
1      15%                90%                                                     

System Disk Usage Information:                                                    
System Disk Usage at 2020-04-29 11:15:59                                          
Slot   Device     Total Memory(MB)   Used Memory(MB)    Used Percentage           
1      flash:     2817               1102               39%                       

display interface transceiver

The display interface transceiver command displays optical module information on the interfaces of a device.

<HUAWEI> display interface 10ge 1/0/1 transceiver

 10GE1/0/1 transceiver information:
 Common information:
   Transceiver Type                      :10GBASE_SR
   Connector Type                        :LC
   Wavelength (nm)                       :850
   Transfer Distance (m)                 :30(62.5um/125um OM1)
                                          80(50um/125um OM2)
                                          300(50um/125um OM3)
                                          400(50um/125um OM4)
   Digital Diagnostic Monitoring         :YES
   Vendor Name                           :HUAWEI
   Vendor Part Number                    :02318169
 Manufacture information:
   Manu. Serial Number                   :AQG269Y
   Manufacturing Date                    :2013-10-20
   Vendor Name                           :HUAWEI
 Alarm information:

display memory

The display memory command displays the memory usage of the device.

<HUAWEI> display memory
Memory utilization statistics at 2019-04-04 09:46:29 240 ms                     
System Total Memory: 3968436 Kbytes                                             
Total Memory Used: 1078928 Kbytes                                               
Memory Using Percentage: 27%                                                    
State: Non-overload                                                             
Overload threshold:  95%, Overload clear threshold:  75%, Duration:    2s       
ServiceName   MemUsage(KB)                                                      
FEA                 156910                                                      
CMF                 122415                                                      
SYSTEM               28744                                                      
FEC                  24431                                                      
DEVICE                8179                                                      
IFM                   8118                                                      
STACKMNG              5954                                                      
IP STACK              2094                                                      
VLAN                  1109                                                      
RM                     886                                                      
LOCAL PKT              573                                                      
ARP                    506                                                      
MSTP                   450                                                      
SFLOW                  290                                                      
OAM                    179                                                      
SLA                    164                                                      
ND                     155                                                      
FIBRESM                152                                                      
LDT                    140                                                      
LLDP                   131                                                      
EUM                    127                                                      
NETSTREAM              107                                                      
AAA                    102                                                      
TNLM                    77                                                      
SMLK                    65                                                      
TUNNEL                  64                                                      
PNP                     47                                                      
RGM                     34                                                      
PEM                     17                                                      

display sn

The display sn command displays the serial numbers (SNs) of components on a device.

<HUAWEI> display sn all
Slot 1:
Equipment SN(ESN): 210235527210D4000028
License ESN: 210235527210D4000028
Slot       Sub    Type               SN                       P/N
1          -      CE6863-48S6CQ      210235527210D4000028     02355272
           PWR2   PAC-150WA          21021309698ND1000010     02130969
Port                 Type                 SN                   Description

10GE1/0/1            AFBR-703SDZ          AD1148A087S          10300Mb/sec-850nm-LC-30(62.5um/125um OM1),80(50um/125um OM2),300(50um
/125um OM3),400(50um/125um OM4)

10GE1/0/2            PLRXPLSCS4322N       CB45UF0V8            10300Mb/sec-850nm-LC-30(62.5um/125um OM1),80(50um/125um OM2),300(50um
/125um OM3),400(50um/125um OM4)

10GE1/0/3            D09181-4A            D132570501           10300Mb/sec--nm---1(Copper)

10GE1/0/4            D09181-4A            D132710395           10300Mb/sec--nm---1(Copper)


display software info

The display software info command displays the software name and software file name of the running software package file.

<HUAWEI>display software info 
Startup software name : 
Startup software file name :

display system mac-address

The display system mac-address command displays the system MAC address.

<HUAWEI> display system mac-address
Current System MAC address: xxxx-b152-8b60
Current System MAC number : 16
User-configured MAC address: --
User-configured MAC number : --
System MAC Switch      : Enable
System MAC Switch-delay: 10(minutes)
System MAC Inconsistence-alarm      : Enable
System MAC Inconsistence-alarm Delay: 10(minutes)

Manufacture MAC Information:
Slot       MAC               Number
1          xxxx-b152-8b60    16
2          xxxx-9216-a100    16

Stack MAC Information:
Slot         MAC               Number
1            xxxx-b152-8b60    16
2            xxxx-b152-8b60    16

display system role

The display system role command displays device roles.

<HUAWEI> display system role
core Core device in the network.

display version

The display version command displays the version of the device.

<HUAWEI> display version
Huawei Versatile Routing Platform Software
VRP (R) software, Version 8.191 (CE6865EI, CE6865E, CE8850E-32CQ-EI V200R020C10)
Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
HUAWEI CE6865-48S8CQ-EI uptime is 2 days, 19 hours, 14 minutes

CE6865-48S8CQ-EI(Master) 2 : uptime is  2 days, 19 hours, 13 minutes
        StartupTime 2020/11/28   15:21:41
Memory    Size    : 4096 M bytes
Flash     Size    : 2048 M bytes
CE6865-48S8CQ-EI version information                               
1. PCB    Version : CEM48S8CQP04 VER A
2. MAB    Version : 1
3. Board  Type    : CE6865-48S8CQ-EI
4. CPLD1  Version : 102
5. CPLD2  Version : 102
6. BIOS   Version : 205

display warranty

The display warranty command displays digital warranty information about the device or a component.

<HUAWEI> display warranty
Device information:

Info: The digital warranty is not activated.
Parts information:

 CE8850-64CQ-EI 2
  Serial number : 2102354LJJ0128456687
  Start date : 2021-12-01
  Type name : part
  Life span : 2 (month)
  Status : to be expired

display warranty software

The display warranty software command displays software warranty information.

<HUAWEI> display warranty software
 Offering Name      : NetEngin***
 Offering Version   : V800R***C**B***
 EOS Date           : 2022-01-01
 Status             : normal

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