Sardina Openstack Design Guide


  • RAM and CPU Load are on this node
  • RAM count is the total of Compute node RAM, Usable total is 1:1 RAM Over-subscription
  • CPU count is the total of Compute node CPU, Usable total is 1:2 vCPU Over-subscription
  • Use 1:1 or 1:2 CPU Over-subs if need high performance Application-CPU intensive application. Or if Container-Kubernates-Openshift on top of it.


  • Disk/Volume are on this node
  • 1 Bay : 3-4+ Core, 4+ GB RAM
  • Default for Initial Cost Effective : 3 Node, 3 Replica, 2n+1, 1 Node Fail Tolerance
  • Default for Storage Efficient : 5 Node, Erasure Code, 3n+2, 2 Node Fail Tolerance
  • For Erasure Code, it need at least SATA SSD.
  • SATA SAS, can use standard replica 3
  • Use SSD for General Application
  • Use NVMe for IOPS intensive Application

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